Question : Problem: Changing Domain Suffix from .local

Hi - I need our Apple iPhones to be able to access our Sharepoint server via the VPN - I can get everything connected however the iPhone will not resolve internal DNS names.
After playing for weeks and scouring the web I have found that teh apple software has an exception for domains that end in .local as this is used by the Bonjour Service. Great !

So has anyone got past this yet without renaming the domain from .local to .somethingelse ?

If I have to rename, Can I use the 2003 Domain Rename tool to change my SBS domain name suffix without problem ?
I have one server running SBS and exchange and another server running SQL Server Standard Edition - only 6 client computers connected so not a real major job to change things however I dont fancy setting up my exchange again from scratch.

I use a cisco ASA5505 to manage the VPN connections.

All help would be greatly appreciated - I hope there is a hack solution out there to fix this rather than domain name changing etc.


Answer : Problem: Changing Domain Suffix from .local

A domain rename is asking for trouble - it fails often and requires a full restore or a domain rebuild.
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