Question : Problem: boot failure from boot cd on internal drive, Works fine on external.

I want to use ghost boot cd's instead of the ghost floppy disks.  The ghost boot cd works fine when I put it in an external cd drive that connects to the pc via usb.   But when I try to boot off the cd from the cd drive that is in the computer it comes up with "boot failure"  It happens on all pc's here in my company.  We buy our pc's new from a proprietary company that builds them.    I can boot off the windows ultimate boot cd from the internal and external cd drive.  

Answer : Problem: boot failure from boot cd on internal drive, Works fine on external.

also try using
network boot Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk is a DOS bootdisk that has almost all NIC drivers built in.

Ghost bootable

Create a Universal network boot floppy image and use that to create your CD boot. set it to connect to your server and map a drive, and put a copy of Ghost.exe on the shared drive .

I hope this helps !
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