Question : Problem: Problems printing


     I have an HP 4300 PCL 5e printer that's on our network that I'm having a hell of a time trying to print to.   The printer resides on our file server and it's status shows to be off-line, when I right click there isn't an option to make it online or to connect it.  I've tried to reinstall the driver, I've tried to reconnect it creating a TCP/IP port back to it's IP address.  I've went into the Faxes and Printers>File>Server Properties and have deleted the driver files in hopes of re-installing the driver to fix the issue, nothing is working.  It's a fairly brand new printer for the most part and is in very good shape.  I've turned it off and on to reset the printer buffer memory, I've also reseeded the network cable in back thinking that it might be loose, it's getting activity lights on the back so I know there is data going through it.  Any suggestions at this point are greatly appreciated, I'd probably buy you a steak or a laptop dance or something.  I just want to get it fixed.

Thanks - Vic

Answer : Problem: Problems printing

Print configuration page with your printer settings and confirm everything is set correctly.

1. Can you ping the printer? If not, check your network settings
2. Telnet into the IP address of the printer - if not you may have IP configuration problem
3. Try connecting to your printer through web browser by using it's IP - can you do that? If not, again, check your IP settings. Verify that your IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway settings are correct - DO NOT USE DHCP!!!
4. Disable any protocols not in use - if you don't use IPX/SPX, disable it.
5. Get a cross-over cable. From the back of your laptop/desktop connect directly to the printer and verify you can print to it. (Obviously you will need to configure IP settings on your computer to match the subnet/gateway of your pinter)
6. Upgrade firmware on JetDirect card
7. Try resetting to factory settings and configuring just IP settings - if it doesn't fix it
8. If you still can't print - place a warranty call and have your printer serviced by HP
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