Question : Problem: Microsoft, Terminal Services, Desktop Redirect

Hi I'd like to setup the following configuration for users connecting to my terminal servers :

1. If a member of security Group "A" then redirect the desktop to location \\server\desktop\groupA\ no write access
2. if a member of security Group "B" then redirect the desktop to location \\server\desktop\groupB\ no write access
3. If a member of security group "C" then the users own desktop under the path \\server\desktop\groupc\user1  read and write access etc.

Can I do this and how ?  I'd also like to control the start Menu.  Can I do that as well ?

Answer : Problem: Microsoft, Terminal Services, Desktop Redirect

You can do all of this:

The difference being the drop down box "Setting"

The same options are also available for the Desktop redirection.

Permissions can be modified to achieve your desired effect:

Good luck!
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