Question : Problem: Jumbled charecters on Veritas DLO documents

I've recently upgraded my backup server to a newer machine.  We are using Veritas 9.1, and Windows 2003 server R2.  All of the workstations are XP, and the backups are scheduled, and set to backup when a user logs off.  
The problem is that the file sizes of backed up documents has decreased, and the documents themselves are nothing but a jumble of letters.  I've tried opening the documents with Word, Wordpad, and Open Office.

Any help would be much appreciated,

Answer : Problem: Jumbled charecters on Veritas DLO documents

The files should be readable with the DLO agent from the client, not from the backup server by looking at the raw files. See the sizing calculation in for example:

(Size of all users' data to backup) / (Compression ratio)] * (Number of copies) / (data change
expectation) * (Expected user data growth percentage (Addition of users and current users data

Number of copies/data change expectation - it does not store multiple copies of the files but one base copy plus deltas for each subsequent copy. If it stored each file then you would not divide by data change expectation. 2 versions of the same word doc with one word changed would result in one large compressed file and one small one with just info about the changed word in it. that's why compression and expected change is taken into account.

How easy the sizing calculation would be if it didn't compress but simply coppied the files to a new location each time - size of all users data * number of copies.
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