Question : Problem: Office 2003 in Terminal Services is slow to respond when trying to open file.

I have a terminal server environment with 6 different terminal servers. All servers have Office 2003 installed on them. I have a problem that is only affecting ONE user out of 300. When she uses the the "Open File" dialog in either Word or Excel, response is extremely slow in switching between directories and opening files. All other users in her location have no problem, and this happens to her no matter what terminal server she logs in to. When I log in to her account from my location the problem doesn't seem to occur. However I don't think this problem is a location based issue, because other users in her office don't experience the same problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Office 2003 in Terminal Services is slow to respond when trying to open file.

Easiest thing to test out would be to wipe her profile from all machines and then log back in and test
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