Question : Problem: Rai error on intel s500Vsa 8dimm
I have 3 hot swap sata disks on an intel s500Vsa 8dimm mobo with 2 Xeon quad processors. I have set up Raid 1 on Drives 0,1 Raid 5 on Drive 2. All the three drives are on the same controller 0.
I set up using hardware raid but I think it was semi hardware and semi software as I had to load the raid drivers separately etc.
Now I keep getting the error:- Controller ID: 0 Predictive failure: 0:2.
Can anyone advise why and how to fix.
I am running MS Win 2003 SBS on the Raid 1 drives with ISA 2004 and Exchange 2003 and SQL 2005.
Answer : Problem: Rai error on intel s500Vsa 8dimm
Sorry, but I must be misunderstanding something here. Raid 5 requires at least 3 disks, but you say you setup raid 5 with only 1 Disk?
Check the controller's documentation, it should tell you it's error messages, but normally "Predictive Failure" means that SMART has found a disk that is about to go bad. So you should replace that disk before it actually does go bad.