Question : Problem: How do I undelete a VMWare disk (.VMDK) ?

I was multitasking this morning and accidentally deleted the wrong VMWare disk from the VM console.  The disk was located on a separate physical disk only used for this virtual machine, so nothing else has been written to the drive.

When I tried to use several undelete utilities I was able to find the server.VMDK file, but it was 0 bytes.  

Is there anything else I can do?  OnTrack isn't an option, since this data isn't that valuable to the company; however it has value to me.


Answer : Problem: How do I undelete a VMWare disk (.VMDK) ?

If the undelete utilities give you 0 bytes, most likely it was overwritten by VMware. Most of them do the same thing, there is no one better than the other.

Because when something gets deleted, windows only erases the the link from the File Allocation table. Undelete utilities look for this and fix restore them. The problem is that if something overwrites it, or any piece of it, undelete utilities will mark it as gone. This is made worse by the fact that VMware partitions are big files ranging from 2gb to bigger. The bigger it is the bigger the chance it gets overwritten by something
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