Question : Problem: Want to create unattend windows disk that does a silent unattended install of citrix
Does anybody have a sample winnt.sif that installs windows and a silent install of citrix?
Answer : Problem: Want to create unattend windows disk that does a silent unattended install of citrix
Check the PS4 server CD /support/install folder. There is an unattended script that you can after you configure the first server in the farm. This can be run on the additional servers you need to add to the farm.
Chris _________________________ Here it is (after modified to your specifications, this file is run with the UnattendedInstall.exe file, which can be put in a batch file for your unattended installation disk). You can also run settings with the MPS.msi file all from a command line (I don't have an example).
*************************************************************** * Sample answer file for unattended installation of * Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0 for Windows * * To run an unattended installation of MetaFrame Presentation * Server, make a copy of this file and customize it for * your needs. * * If you do not use an answer file, or if you use an answer * file but do not specify answers to some questions, default * answers are used for those questions. * * The default answers used are the same as the answers listed * in this sample answer file. However, no licenses are added. * * When upgrading, Setup ignores entries other than those from * the following sections: * MetaFrame License Agreement * Options * MFLicenseServer * MFRDP * * Please see the MetaFrame Presentation Server Administrator's * Guide for further installation information. For more * information about licensing, please see the MetaFrame * Access Suite Licensing Guide. ***************************************************************
*************************************************************** * MetaFrame License Agreement * * This section specifies your acceptance of the End-User * License Agreement. You must set this value to "Yes" to * indicate your acceptance of the MetaFrame End-User License * Agreement. * * Any value other than "Yes" causes the Setup to prompt you * with the license agreement. ***************************************************************
[MetaFrame License Agreement] AcceptLicense=No
*************************************************************** * Data Store Configuration * * This section specifies whether you are creating or joining a * farm and how to connect to the data store. * * Multiple options are available as follows: * * 1. To create a farm using an Access database: * - Set CreateFarm to Yes * - Set LocalDBType to Access * - Set DirectConnect to No * - Complete the Farm Settings section * * 2. To create a farm using an MSDE database: * - Set CreateFarm to Yes * - Set LocalDBType to SQL * - Set DirectConnect to No * - Complete the Farm Settings section * * 3. To create a farm using an Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or * IBM DB2 database: * - Set CreateFarm to Yes * - Set DirectConnect to Yes * - Complete the Direct Connect Settings section * - Complete the Farm Settings section * * 4. To join a farm using an Oracle, SQL Server or DB2 * database: * - Set CreateFarm to No * - Set DirectConnect to Yes * - Complete the Direct Connect Settings section * * 5. To join a farm by connecting to an Access or MSDE database * stored on another server (Indirect Connection): * - Set CreateFarm to No * - Set DirectConnect to No * - Complete the Indirect Connect Settings section * * Specify the name of the Zone where this server will reside. * If no Zone name is specified, a default Zone name is applied * to the first server in a farm. If no Zone name is specified * for servers joining a farm, the servers are added to the Zone * where the farm resides. * * If you are using an Oracle, SQL Server or DB2 database, * manually create a .DSN file within the ODBC Data Source * Administrator "File DSN" option before running the unattended * installation process. * * IMPORTANT: Read the MetaFrame Presentation Server * documentation for information about data store configuration, * supported databases, setting up a DSN file, moving servers * within farms, and renaming Zones. ***************************************************************
[Data Store Configuration] CreateFarm=Yes LocalDBType=Access DirectConnect=No ; Leave this blank to use the default zone name ZoneName=
*************************************************************** * Direct Connect Settings * * This section specifies settings for an Oracle, SQL Server or * DB2 database. * * This section is used only if the value for DirectConnect is * Yes in the Data Store Configuration section. * * In this section you must specify: * * 1. The path to the DSN file for this database. * - If you are creating a farm, please see the * documentation for details on how to create a DSN * file to use here. * - If you are joining a farm, you must specify the path * to the DSN file created on the server where you * created the farm or a copy of it. Please see the * documentation for details. * * 2. The ODBC user name and password for the authentication * account that can be used to access this database. If * Windows NT authentication is being used, please include * the domain in the user name in the form domain\username. ***************************************************************
[Direct Connect Settings] DSNFilePath= UserName= Password=
*************************************************************** * MSDE Settings * * This section specifies which MSDE settings to use when * connecting to the database. * * Use this section if you set CreateFarm to Yes and * LocalDBType to SQL * * In this section you must specify: * * 1. The name of the MSDE instance to use when connecting to * the data store. The default is CITRIX_METAFRAME. * ***************************************************************
[MSDE Settings] InstanceName=CITRIX_METAFRAME
*************************************************************** * Indirect Connect Settings * * This section specifies settings for connecting indirectly to * an Access database on another server. * * This section is used only if CreateFarm is No AND * DirectConnect is No. * * In this section you must specify: * * 1. The name of the server you want to indirectly connect to * and the port number to use. * * 2. The user name and password and domain for an account that * can be used to access this MetaFrame server. This can be * either the user designated as Farm Administrator when * creating the farm or any other users subsequently * designated as farm administrators using Citrix Management * Console. Specify the domain name and the user name as both * are required fields. * * If you are unsure of any settings, please see the MetaFrame * Presentation Server documentation for details. ***************************************************************
[Indirect Connect Settings] IndirectServerName= IndirectServerPort=2512 UserName= Password= DomainName=
*************************************************************** * Farm Settings * * This section specifies settings for the entire farm. * * This section is used only if CreateFarm is Yes in the Data * Store Configuration section. * * In this section you must specify: * * 1. The name of the farm you are creating. * * 2. A Windows NT user (username and domain) who will be the * administrator of this farm. This user can later designate * other users as administrators of the farm using the * Presentation Server Console. ***************************************************************
[Farm Settings] FarmName=Farm FarmAdministratorUsername=Administrator FarmAdministratorDomain=
*************************************************************** * Shadowing Restrictions * * This section specifies whether shadowing is enabled. If * shadowing is enabled, it specifies what shadowing * restrictions are to be placed. ***************************************************************
[Shadowing Restrictions] AllowShadowing=Yes ProhibitRemoteControl=No ProhibitNotificationOff=No ProhibitLoggingOff=No
*************************************************************** * Citrix XML Service * * This section allows you to specify how you want to add XML * support. * * The default port is 80 for the XML service. * You can share the default port 80 with IIS (if installed) or * you can dedicate a port for the XML Service. * * If ExtendIIS is set to No, the specified port is used for the * Citrix XML Service, and EnableVirtualScripts is ignored. * If ExtendIIS is set to No and IIS is installed (or any * service already using port 80), Citrix XML Service takes the * secondary default port as 8080. * * If ExtendIIS is set to Yes, DedicatedPortNumber is ignored * and EnableVirtualScripts is used to decide if virtual scripts * directory will be created ONLY if VirtualScriptsDirectory * does not yet exist on the system. If it exists, * EnableVirtualScripts has no effect on the installation. * If you do set ExtendIIS to Yes and IIS is not available, the * dedicated port number is used. * If you do set ExtendIIS to Yes and IIS exists and * VirtualScriptsDirectory does not yet exist on the system but * EnableVirtualScripts is set to No, installation fails. * * If you do not use the default port 80, all Citrix ICA Clients * using TCP/IP with HTTP server location and NFuse-enabled Web * servers must be configured to make requests to the specified * port number. ***************************************************************
[Citrix XML Service] ExtendIIS=No ; This setting applies only if ExtendIIS is No DedicatedPortNumber=80 ; This setting applies only if ExtendIIS is Yes EnableVirtualScripts=Yes
*************************************************************** * Update ICA Clients * * UpdateClients specifies whether to: * * 1. Install ICA clients. * 2. Place ICA clients into the ICA Client Creator. * 3. Update the Client Update Database. * * If UpdateClients is Yes, use ClientPath to specify the * location of the client images. * * For example, to update the client, set UpdateClients to * Yes and ClientPath to the directory where the client * installation package is located. * * IMPORTANT: Only typical installations of clients can be done * in this way. See the MetaFrame documentation for information * about installing ICA Clients using custom installation * options. ***************************************************************
[Update ICA Clients] UpdateClients=No ClientPath=
*************************************************************** * Options * * This section contains additional options for unattended * installation.
* RebootOnFinish specifies whether Setup shuts down and restarts * the server after the installation completes. * * If you set RebootOnFinish to No, manually restart the server * before using MetaFrame Presentation Server. * * * LogLevel specifies the granularity of logging in the log * file. * * To disable logging, set LogLevel to No. * * To configure logging, set LogLevel to one of the following: * * everything (the same as using the options * oicewarmup) * v verbose * o out of disk space * i informational messages * c command line parameters * e error messages * w warning messages * a action execution messages * r informational messages for the currently * running action * m out of memory errors * u user request messages * p property values * + append to an existing log file * ! flush each line to the log * x extra debugging information - for Windows 2003 * only; * using the x option when installing on Windows * 2000 Server generates a usage error. * * Logfile specifies the path to the log file for the * installation. * * * UILevel specifies how much UI the user sees during * the silent installation. Default is BASIC_UI_NO_MODAL. * You can set UILevel according to one of the following: * * NO_UI * BASIC_UI * BASIC_UI_NO_MODAL * BASIC_UI_MODAL * REDUCED_UI * * NO_UI is equivalent to the msiexec q option. Setup * displays no UI. * * BASIC_UI is equivalent to the msiexec qb option. Setup * displays basic UI, but hides Cancel buttons. * * BASIC_UI_NO_MODAL is equivalent to the msiexec qb- * option. Setup displays no modal dialog boxes. * * BASIC_UI_MODAL is equivalent to the msiexec qb+ option. * Setup displays no UI except for a modal dialog box * at the end of the installation. * * REDUCED_UI is equivalent to the msiexec qr option. * Setup displays a reduced UI without a modal dialog box * at the end of the installation. * * * IgnoreMCM specifies whether Setup shows an error * message if it detects an installation of MetaFrame * Conferencing Manager prior to version 3.0. * * If IgnoreMCM is set to No, Setup generates an error * and exits if it detects an incompatible version * of MetaFrame Conferencing Manager. * * Set IgnoreMCM to Yes, if you do not want Setup to * generate an error and exit if it detects an incompatible * version of MetaFrame Conferencing Manager. * * Versions of MetaFrame Conferencing Manger prior to * version 3.0 are not compatible with MetaFrame Presentation * Server. Before upgrading MetaFrame Presentation Server, * upgrade MetaFrame Conferencing Manager to version 3.0. * For more information, please see MetaFrame Conferencing * Manager 4.0 Administrator's Guide. Upgrades for MetaFrame * Conferencing Manager are available to all active * members of the Subscription Advantage program * (http://www.citrix.com/sa). * * * RemoveWITurnkey determines whether Setup shows an * error message after detecting that you are upgrading from an * earlier version of the product, and you installed the Web * Interface as part of the earlier installation. The preferred * method for upgrading the Web Interface is to upgrade to * Access Suite Console 4.0 and Web Interface 4.0 before * installing MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.0. * * If RemoveWITurnkey equals No and Setup detects an * incompatible version of the Web Interface installed on the * system, Setup exits with an error message. * * If you want to ignore the error message, set RemoveWITurnkey * to Yes. Please note that at the end of the upgrade, the * Web Interface is no longer installed on the system. * * Supported values: * Yes Remove Web Interface if it is detected on the * system. * No Exit the installation if Setup detects the Web * Interface on the system (default). * * If you want to specify a different install * location(INSTALLDIR) than the default one, you must * set InstallLocation="Target Path" For example: * InstallLocation="C:\Program Files\abc abc\" * * If you do not set InstallLocation, the product will * be installed in the default location, * Windows location:\Program Files\Citrix. ***************************************************************
[Options] RebootOnFinish=Yes LogLevel=*v LogFile=c:\msi.log UILevel= BASIC_UI_NO_MODAL IgnoreMCM=No RemoveWITurnkey=No
*************************************************************** * MetaFrame Server * * ServerType specifies the edition of server you are * installing. * * Supported values: * MetaFrame Enterprise Server (for Enterprise Edition) * MetaFrame Advanced Server (for Advanced Edition) * MetaFrame Server (for Standard Edition) * ***************************************************************
[MetaframeServer] ServerType=Metaframe Enterprise Server
*************************************************************** * MetaFrame License Server * * If CreateFarm is Yes, supported values for * LicenseServerChoice are: * * "Point" * "DontKnow" * * If CreateFarm is No, supported values for LicenseServerChoice * are: * * "Point" * "UseFarmSettings" * "DontKnow" * * If you set LicenseServerChoice to "Point," you must set * LicenseServerName. * * If you want to set a different license server port from the * default value, you must set LicenseServerPortDefault="" and * LicenseServerPort. For example: * * LicenseServerPortDefault="" * LicenseServerPort="27009" * ***************************************************************
[MFLicenseServer] LicenseServerChoice="Point" LicenseServerName="localhost" LicenseServerPortDefault="1" LicenseServerPort="27000"
*************************************************************** * * MFRDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) * * Set DisableRDPPrompForPassword to "Yes" if you enable * Terminal Services to accept credentials directly from the * Remote Desktop Windows Client. * * If you set DisableRDPPrompForPassword to "No" users are * prompted for credentials each time they connect using * Remote Desktop Protocol. * ***************************************************************
[MFRDP] DisableRDPPromptForPassword="Yes"