Question : Problem: CPU is near 100% utilization

We have  video survielence running on a 2GHz  PC on the C: drive and storage is on the F: drive (400GB) dedicaed to this one application. The CPU is running at 90 to 100% because the application is saving the output from 5 networked cameras to the one drive. Would it help if i load the video program on the same drive as the storage? Would it help if i installed a faster drive for the video storage? Last thing I want to do is get a faster proccesser, any sugestions would be appreciated..

Answer : Problem: CPU is near 100% utilization

... one more thought as I posted the above.   If none of these cause the transfer mode to switch back to DMA, then you may have an incorrect setting in the BIOS.   Look in BIOS setup and be sure that DMA transfers are enabled for the 400GB disk !!   SOMETHING is keeping it at PIO mode ==> and that is definitely your problem.
If none of the above registry mods force it to DMA, then it is almost certainly either (a) a bad cable;  (b) a bad jumper setting on the disk; or (c) a BIOS setting.

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