Question : Problem: Veritas displays red "X" on folder when trying to resotre

I needed to restore a file in a certain directory and in the restore job window the folder has a red x on it and all the data is not there...what can i do to get veritas to back up this folder correctly in the future?


Answer : Problem: Veritas displays red "X" on folder when trying to resotre

Check the veritas logs and messages for hints as to why the restore didn't work. Regularly restore some random data from your backups to a special restore folder, and then open the files using their originating software. This way you are testing if the backup is OK and you get to know how to use the backup program. Also whenever you restore data which is to be used, do that to the restore folder, then copy it from there to the location you eventually want it in, don't restore it directly back to the original folder.
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