Question : Problem: Imagistics 4511

I have a 12 users that are in a Citrix environment.  They have a Imagistics 4511 printer that they all print to.  They are able to print out of every other applications with no problems but as soon as they send a print job through our software, they will get the following PostScript error:  

PostScript Error Handler

Offending Command = E c200D
Error + nametype : undefined
Stack =

They have tried several print drivers with no luck.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



Answer : Problem: Imagistics 4511

Definately stray away from the PS driver for future testing then....

Totally remove the driver, once you deleted the printer. Then go to Printers and faxes>File>Server Properties>Drivers, and delete whats there. Then reinstall from scratch with fresh drivers.....

Once the printer is deleted, go to start<>run>cmd

net stop spooler
net start spooler

That should free up the drivers to delete them.....

Also, download the following and try and use cleanspl.exe to make sure the spooler is indeed clean....

Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools
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