Question : Problem: Cannot get mouse to work in MS-Dos Shell

I am trying to install a Radio Shack serial mouse in MS-Dos Shell 6 but am not having any luck.  I ran the instdos.exe file on the floppy disk according to the directions and it put the C:\AMOUSE\AMOUSE.COM comment in the Autoexec.bat file and also copied the file to the C:\AMOUSE folder.  When I restart the computer, it loads Autoexec.bat file and runs the command and says it installed the mouse on COM1 Port 3F8 IRQ 4.  The mouse is connected to the serial COM1 port, although I tried the COM 2 port as well with no luck.  When everything finishes loading, I am left at the MS-Dos Shel with a mouse pointer that will not move.

I know this is old and nobody should be using MS-Dos anymore, but it is for a customer.  He bought this computer brand new back in 1989 and only uses it to play his card games and nothing more.  He used to have an old Radio Shack serial mouse but it stopped working so he bought this new one.

Any tips will be greatly appriciated.  I am stumped on this one!

Answer : Problem: Cannot get mouse to work in MS-Dos Shell

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