Question : Problem: Interactive Quiz Dreamweaver


I want to create an interactive quiz whereby the next question is governed by the previous question's response. I'm not sure what the best platform would be for going about this though. I'd like not to make it like a regular quiz where upon selecting an answer a submit button is pressed and then a new page is loaded. Is there any other option other than using flash (not very familiar with it) for achieving this.

Thanks guys

Answer : Problem: Interactive Quiz Dreamweaver

Hi jones_bones,

It depends on how complicated the quiz structure is.  If there are a reasonable number of conditions, I believe javascript can be used to handle this.  You would fire the onclick property on each of the choices and use conditionals to show different questions based on the option.

The only other way to do it without submit-process-display would be to use AJAX to pull the next question from the server or XML file based on clicks.  
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