Question : Problem: USB Flash Drive on Apple computer running the MAC OS 8.6

I need to save MAC that reside on a labratory instrument PC and open them with adobie distiller on a PC.  

I experienced the following error when I insert a USB flash drive:

The software needed to use the USB device " " cannot be found. Please refer to the device documentation to install necessary software.

I think I need a driver of some type and a method of installing the driver via cd-R drive.

Additioinal details:

I can only access the web or driver source from a PC. I'm not sure how to save a driver on a cd in a PC and install it on the Apple.

Can anyone help me out?

Answer : Problem: USB Flash Drive on Apple computer running the MAC OS 8.6

The second link works for me. I just clicked on it now and went straight to the page with links explaining how to download files to a PC and transfer to a Mac. Since you save the drivers were helpful, I presume you found some way to do that.
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