Question : Problem: Hide system drive for Citrix Presentation
I would like to find a way to hide my e:\ which is my system drive of my citrix presentation.
I tried GPO but I cant hide a drive to a computer instead of a user. I need to hide drive only from my server not for a specified user.
I tried to add this command to the login script but apparently a user get access is denied for an unknown reason.. I thought an authentificated users could change a HK_Current_user
reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v NoDrives /t reg_dword /d 29 /f
It works only for admin...
I want to hide the system drive for all users so TweakUI and Xsetup is not for multiusers. Only for the user that is logged in.
Thx in advanced
Answer : Problem: Hide system drive for Citrix Presentation
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