Question : Problem: Problem with Windows 2003 Backup to Tape

Dear all,

I have a problem with my windows backup.

OS: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Tape Drive: HP StorageWorks DLT VS80 Drive

History of problem:
I have scheduled Windows backup to run a Full backup at 6:30pm on fridays and incremental backup on Mondays to Thursdays. Full backup requires more than one backup tape  (e.g. Friday1 and Friday2) while incremental backup only require 1 backup tape. Normally, user will insert Friday1 at 5:00pm, before going home from work. On the next day, user will insert Friday2 at 8:00am, before starting work.

Backup is configured to abort only if it is unsuccesful or idle for more than 72 hours. Since our bakcup only idles for aprox 8 hours before Friday2 tape is inserted in the morning therefore there should be no problem.

I have done the same configuration on a Windows 2000 Svr and the backup runs successfully. What can be the problem. Please advice.

Backup Log:

Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: DLT
Media name: "Friday1 8/14/2006 at 11:55 AM"

Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
Backup (via shadow copy) of "C: "
Backup set #1 on media #1
Backup description: "Friday1 8/14/2006 at 11:55 AM"
Media name: "Friday1 8/14/2006 at 11:55 AM"

Backup Type: Normal

Backup started on 8/14/2006 at 6:12 PM.
Warning: Unable to open "C:\compaq\hpdiags" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\compaq\hpdiags\html\diagnostics\help\online\WebHelp\help\marketinginfo\fre" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\compaq\vcagent\sm\xml.en\cpqFrame.xml" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\GPT\Verification Plan 1.xls" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\GPT\ACCOUNTS" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\hp\sslshare" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\hp\sslshare\kspass" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\Hr\Nasip Salikin Notice of Domestic Inquiry.doc" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

Warning: Unable to open "C:\Hr\Surat Penamatan Perkhidmatan 2005\Surat Penamatan 05(7) - Mohd Halem Bin Kurili.doc" - skipped.
Reason: Access is denied.

The requested media failed to mount. The operation was aborted.
The operation was ended.
Backup completed on 8/15/2006 at 1:29 AM.
Directories: 6211
Files: 72121
Bytes: 36,331,497,041
Time:  7 hours,  16 minutes, and  36 seconds
The operation did not successfully complete.

Answer : Problem: Problem with Windows 2003 Backup to Tape

the failed to mount, isnt that while verifying and it is expecting tape 1?

if you have a max. time limit on the backup command, it will sit it out waiting for tape 1 and then generate an error.
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