Question : Problem: Can I use Newer LTO (1, 2, or3) tapes in an "old" DELL PV122T (Purch. Jan 04)

We are switching our network hosting on our exsisting 9 servers that are presently being backed up as part of our user agreement, to a new network where we must provide our own backups.  

We have a "new"  Dell 122T auto loader that was purchased in the beginning of 2004.  It aparently was able to use DLT IV or LTO tapes (40 80GB).   We need to backup approx 100 GB on our weekly SAT full backup and much less on the daily DIFFs.  

Is the old Dell hardware cabable of running the higher capacity tapes, as is ?  Are there newer drivers that can be installed to allow the new tapes to function?  

Thanks in advance, for your assistance.


Answer : Problem: Can I use Newer LTO (1, 2, or3) tapes in an "old" DELL PV122T (Purch. Jan 04)

The DELL PVT122T  can use DLT IV tapes, LTO 1 and LTO 2.  I believe you are out of luck with the LTO 3 tapes.  There is not a driver update to install, that will let you write or read to the newer tapes. It is a physical limitation.

It goes the other way too. I am currently using an LTO 4 autoloader, it can write to LTO 4 and 3 tapes, but I can only READ LTO 2.
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