Question : Problem: SCSI RAID controller for Supermicro P4SCT+II


I need a SCSI RAID controller for this Supermicro board:

Currently I am considering this MEGARAID controller:

The motherboard is equipped with PCI-X 64-BIT/66MHz slots. Do the controller fit the motherboard?

The OS environment will be WinXP.

Are there any other controllers I should look at? Adaptec 3410s seems nice, but perhaps a bit old..

Answer : Problem: SCSI RAID controller for Supermicro P4SCT+II

>Do the controller fit the motherboard?

Yep. No problem there. It's going to be seriously fast...

I have a preference for the MEGARAID controllers as tehy are considerably more flexible and configurable than the Adaptec controllers.

There are a number of SATA RAID controllers available (such as those made by Promise etc), but I'm assuming taht you're looking for serious performance if you're speccing an Ultra 320 SCSI RAID controller - and the SATA stuff isn't in the same league   performance (or price) -wise

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