Question : Problem: Problem burning onto CDRW that are rated 1x-4x


I bought a large quantity of Maxell CDRW that only now I noticed are rated "1x to 4x certified".
I just bought a new cdrw (24x) that came bundled with Nero Express.

Neither Nero nor NTI Premium (which I previously bought) can burn onto these discs. I keep getting buffer under run. I changed manually in WinXP the CDrw speed to "2x" (just in case 4x was also too fast) and NTI only lets me burn at 4x (I tried to set it to 2x but it won't let me).

Is there anyway to salvage these discs? It would be a waste to "throw" them out. Is there anything to do (in addition) at the OS level? or Would a software that would let me burn at 2x/4x work? (if so anyone know one?). or should I return the CDRW and get a better brand

The CDRW is Artec WRR-52X

Answer : Problem: Problem burning onto CDRW that are rated 1x-4x

Renewed autodetection of your CD/DVD-ROM drive

If you are not satisfied with the settings available on your CD/DVD-ROM drive you can have your CD/DVD-ROM drive detected again with the newer version of Nero so that Nero also learns the commands to set the speed of your CD/DVD-ROM drive. To do this please proceed as follows:

Determine the exact equipment name of your CD/DVD-ROM drive. This is possible in Windows under System Control > System > Equipment Manager > CD ROM. Note the exact description.
Look for the file 'cdrom.cfg'. This is in the Nero installation directory.
Open the file 'CDROM.CFG' using a text editor (for example 'Accessory > 'Notepad') and look for the entry for your CD/DVD-ROM drive with the name from Stage 1). When using another text editor ensure that the text is stored exclusively as pure ASCII text ("text only"). Storing e.g. in Word format (.doc) would render the file unusable!
Annotate the former entry for your drive by preceding it with a semicolon (;). The effect of this is that the rows marked in this way will no longer be read. The entry might then look something like this:
;[DriveXXXX CD-ROM CT.778]





Save and close the file and start Nero.
Now you can have your CD/DVD-ROM drive detected once again. The new version of Nero will now also recognize the commands to set the drive speed and enter this in the Nero database. Of course, as before, we would appreciate receiving the parameters of the CD/DVD-ROM drive found in this way. The parameters thus found would then be included by us in the subsequent version of Nero and therefore be of benefit to all users of Nero. If you have any problems with the control of your CD/DVD-ROM drive using Nero (e.g. reading of audio no longer possible etc.) you may use the old settings again to remove the semicolons added in Stage 3.

Nero DriveSpeed

You can define such parameters as drive speed using the Nero DriveSpeed program which is a component part of the Nero Toolkit. You may find this useful because the noises it produces as drive speed increases had become louder and louder and we needed a program which could deal with this problem. If a program does not take long to load the noise level of the drive might not be an issue but with constant access to a CD this will be perceived as interference. However a brake can be installed simply by setting the read speed. If the use of Nero DriveSpeed gives rise to conflicts with the speed settings in Nero, Nero's settings predominate. Detailed information on the program can be found in the Section 'Nero DriveSpeed'.

See also:

Copying using an image file

Copying using a fast copy (on the fly)

also on nero toolkit there is nero drivespeed tool use it and click add and try again
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