Question : Problem: ENERGIENCY!  2k server won't boot

I have an issue where i came in this morning and had the error message THE REGISTRY CANNOT LOAD THE HIDE, (File) \SYSTEMROOT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM.   So, I located the 2000 serve disk and whanted to repair it, but when I entered it it said not recognizing hard drives.  I don't know what changed.

The server has 2 80gb hard drives set as an array or raid.  I don't quite understand all thiss.  But in the (POST)  I see the system says that they are funtional.

Before this happened yesterday i reset the pagefile to a lower size, but don't know why that changed it.

I was going to boot from the disk again and press F6  to see if I could redo the drivers for the raid cards.  I have Fasttrak 100 tx/lp series ultra ata/100 raids cards.  But I don't know if I should try it yet until I get some direction  from the experts here.  I am working on this issue as we speak and staff can't access the software they use to work.

Please help

Answer : Problem: ENERGIENCY!  2k server won't boot

A few pagefile issues come to mind.  See if any of them fit...

1) if you set the pagefile to a smaller size because you were running out of disk space and then you filled the disk up too full, your machine may not have enough room to boot.

2) if you made your maximum pagefile too small without the ability for windows to override that file the same size problem would be the issue.

3) When the pagefile shrunk it may have exposed at bad block or two on the disk that had been "covered" by the pagefile's allocation of the area.

I'm not well enough versed in RAID to know all the issues there but  I know that if a RAID 0 array is broken you can lose your data so be careful how you attempt to repair the disks.
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