Question : Problem: Failed hard drive bad sectors image copy software needed

What is the best or recommended software to create an image of a failed hard disk that is still functional but contains bad sectors. Main objective is to create an image of the failed HD and work with the image on a healthy disk in hopes to recovery data.

Things tried on failing disk:
-Tried using ghost to make an image - errors listed below:
CHKDISK bit set, volume maybe unstable - restart NT
NTFS Log file has not been flushed restart NT then try again

Also used CHKDSK in hopes to mark bad sectors - errors listed below:

Correcting error in index $I30 for file 2045
Insufficient disk space to correct errors in index $I30 of file 2045
Correcting error in index $I30 for file 10664
Insufficient disk space to correct errors in index $I30 of file 10664

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Failed hard drive bad sectors image copy software needed

The FRO switch in Ghost forces copying with bad clusters and may work in your case.  Here's a list of Ghost switches and their descriptions:
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