Question : Problem: Printer "not ready"

Hi,all, I'm almost embarassed to even ask, it seems it should be something pretty obvious, but here goes :P  I installed a new printer, a Lexmark Z22, got all the software installed, set it as default printer and all that good stuff.  I ran a test print which went just fine.  BUT then when I finally went to actually print something it gives the flashing alert "printer not ready" and then it proceeds to print at a painfully slow pace.  Ive poked around the printer settings in the control panel and nothing seems obvious to be something to change, and to be perfectly frank, half of it I dont know what it is.  Any one with any ideas as to how to make my printer be "ready"?
Thank you!

Answer : Problem: Printer "not ready"

Carli - That is fustrating isn't it?!!
Try this:
1. Under the properties of the printer be sure that the SPOOL PRINT DOCUMENTS (or something like that) is selected. Also if the option to PRINT IMMEDIATLY is available select that too. DO NOT select option to print directly to printer; However, if the spool option is already selected then go ahead and try the print directly to printer option.
2. Does this happen when you print out of a different program notepad?
3. Be real sure you download the correct driver! I would double check this maybe even triple check this.
4. Try changing the 'quality option' to from normal to low.
5. If all this fails then I would reinstall the driver. Power down the PC and leave it off for 2-3 minutes to clear out the registers and then power up and try again.
6. If it still fails then contact Lexmark @ 1-888-LEXMARK
Good Luck!
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