Question : Problem: Trying to move contacts from Outlook 2003 to iPhone 3g

I have recently connected the iPhone 3g to the Exchange 2003 server.
I haev synced the contacts with exchange but I have 200 other contacts I need to sync for a user that came from his Blackberry which are now all backed up in his local copy of Outlook 2003.

What is the procedure for syncing Outlook contacts to the iPhone 3g?

Answer : Problem: Trying to move contacts from Outlook 2003 to iPhone 3g

1If you are using PC, follow this step and make sure the iTunes sync add-in is enabled in Outlook.

Outlook 2003

1. In Outlook, choose Tools > Options.
2. Click Other and then click Advanced Options.
3. Select COM add-ins and select the iTunes sync add-in and click OK.
4. Click Apply and then continue with the steps below.

Outlook 2007

1. In Outlook, choose Tools > Trust Center.
2. In the Categories pane, click Add-ins.
3. In the Details pane, locate the iTunes add-in in the "Inactive Application Add-ins" list.
4. In the Manage box, click COM Add-ins, and then click Go.
5. In the COM Add-Ins dialog box, select the iTunes sync add-in.
6. Click OK.

If you are Mac users, skip this step...
Step2Connect iPhone

Connect iPhone to your computer using the included cable... and iTunes should open automatically.
Step3Select iPhone in the iTunes Source pane.
Step4Set Up Which Items Are Synced

1. Click the Info tab in iTunes, then do one of the following:
* If you're using a Mac, select "Sync Address Book contacts."
* If you're using a PC, select "Sync contacts from" and then choose Yahoo! Address Book, Windows Address Book, or Outlook from the pop-up menu.
2. Select "All contacts," or select "Selected groups" and select the groups you want to sync.
3. If you're using a Mac, select "Sync Yahoo! Address Book contacts" if you also want to sync with your Yahoo! contacts.

You only need to click Configure when you change your Yahoo! ID or password after you've set up syncing. Click Configure and enter your new login information.

Tips & Warnings
Syncing won't delete any contact in Yahoo! Address Book that contains a Messenger ID, even if you've deleted the contact from your address book on iPhone or your computer. To delete a contact containing a Messenger ID, log in to your Yahoo! account online and delete the contact using Yahoo! Address Book. On a Mac, when you sync Address Book contacts with iPhone, any other address books you've set to sync with .Mac, such as your contacts in Microsoft Entourage, will also be synced with iPhone.
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