Question : Problem: 2 kb, 2 mice, 2 monitors = one computer

as the title suggests, how to i hook up 2 keyboards, 2 mice, 2 monitors to one computer so that two people can use it at the same time?  i relalize that this will slow the system down but i would like to know how it can be done.

Answer : Problem: 2 kb, 2 mice, 2 monitors = one computer

There are splitters that can accept two people to use the computer at the same time.
Features & Applications
VOPEX™ KVM splitters allow up to four keyboards, monitors & mice to control one PC. Access one computer from the office, shop floor, board room, etc.
Access one computer from multiple locations.
Multiple users can enter data into the same program.
 Interconnect NTI switches and splitters for complex applications.
Compatible with all PS/2-style PCs, RS6000, SGI and HP9000 computers.
Compatible with SUN Fire™ V20z.
(Copied from website)
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