Question : Problem: Palm Centro Stopped Synching


I have a 2 month old Palm Centro that worked and synched flawlessly, TILL NOW. I am using Hotsync Manager 7.0.2 and Palm OS 5.4.9 with Access Powered V.5.2.H.

I am using a PC, Windows XP SP2, and am syncing with MS Outlook 2002 (10.6838.6845) SP3. I had no problem syncing as of a few weeks ago. I went from a USB cord that directly connected to my Palm to a cradle. The only differences I can see are that to sync now, rather than a button on the cord, the sync needs to be initiated from the phone while in Hot Sync Manager.

In the beginning, there were no sync problems at all. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I've been using Palms for years and for reasons I can't recall, there have always been 2 different names (or users??) for the device. I've only used one, since the beginning.

I'm mentioning this because while cleaning up, I decided to delete the other non-used name. I thought I successfully synced since doing that, but can't be positive.

Now, regardless of the conduit settings, my Outlook tasks are NOT being synced. Even going back to the older direct cable method doesn't solve the issue.

Please help. Thanks.

Answer : Problem: Palm Centro Stopped Synching

Let's see if I can help with this.  The versions of PalmOne software have changed and I am not always caught up.  (I don't think I installed my Centro software on any of my PCs yet)

Start > Programs > palmOne - There may be a program to change the HotSync conduit.  It might also be something other than palmOne, but that's what the program folder is on the last version that I installed.

When you brought up your Palm Desktop, was there any information in it?  If there was, was it the most recent information from your Treo?  That would be a good clue as to what's happening.

On your Centro, there are many ways to establish a connection to a Palm Desktop / Outlook data source - Modem, Cradle, Infrared, LAN... Since you use your sync cable, the Cable/Cradle connection is the only one you really need to be concerned with.

Finally, if you're only syncing with the local Outlook on your PC, make sure your Outlook is open before you start syncing.  (sometimes, to solve sync problems, I've actually uninstalled and reinstalled the palmOne software to make it work properly and that's a common solution in the Treo community)
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