Question : Problem: Palm Centro not accept CSR created from UTF8 format only print string format

We recently updated our SSL certificate through GoDaddy, and now all our Palm Centro's do not syncronize with the MS Exchange 2003 server. In talking to Godaddy, they say that in September everything updated to a UTF8 format and in order to get the CSR to validate correctly that I need to create that CSR in print string format. I've found no articles to tell me how to do this so that I can rekey and get my new certificate. He's said that all SSL providers will be doing this, so I'm going to run into this problem anywhere I purchase one. I have many users at work using this phone, so it is unlikely we can just go out and purchase all new phones - and these aren't that old - just purchased within the last year!

Answer : Problem: Palm Centro not accept CSR created from UTF8 format only print string format

Well, I wanted to update this post with what I did to resolve the problem. I never got an answer regarding the print string form csr, but out of desparation I went to another SSL provider and purchsed their certificate (GeoTrust), and the phones are syncing now. It's not a resolution to the original problem, but it is a resolution to the big picture of fixing our issue. I still welcome any feedback anyone has on that whole print string csr thing. GoDaddy is telling people to do this, but not telling them how. I don't think this is good advice given that there is no documentation on how to make this type of thing work.
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