Question : Problem: Wireless Network Building WIth Strong Omni-Antenna with Wireless Access Point

Hi friends !

I am working as IT Professional in an educational institute. Currently we have Fiber Optics 1 Mbps Leased Line (Wired) from our ISP.  

Here is the scenario&

The wide thick cable underground (It is Fiber Optics Cable from ISP) is terminating to one box in our server room. From this box, one UTP cable is coming out and terminating to the Cisco 2600XM Router. The entire internal PCs are getting internet connection from internal ISA 2000 Server that is connected to the Cisco 2600XM Router.

Our premise is covering 1 Kilometer circular area with small huts and blocks.

We want to implement Wireless network in this premise because we have purchased about 100 laptops for Academic and Administrative staff and they will need wireless to be connected to internet.

Please tell me how I should plan for it. I know how to implement wireless and I know that here Access Points will be required but I dont know how many access points I need to buy and where to place them. I dont have geographical map of the institute.

I have heard about Omni-Antenna with Wireless Access Point with high capacity which can propagate signals for some kilometers. Please tell me something about it.

Q: How can I use it ?
Q: If I use Omni-Antenna, Will I need to use Wireless Access Points in the premise ? Or this Omni-Antenna will be enough to provide signals to the Wireless Network Cards of the laptops

Please note that my main consideration is to use only one Omni-Antenna with Wireless Access Point if it is possible with it to give connection to the laptops in the premise. I want to avoid use of small-small access points in premise.

Also note that we dont have building like structure. Our campus has huts and blocks at some distance. And we have complete wired network. We dont have any wireless equipment.

Please give me idea in this regard. If you need some other information then please tell me. Please note that my main consideration is to use



Answer : Problem: Wireless Network Building WIth Strong Omni-Antenna with Wireless Access Point

A 20dbm radio with an 8dbi omni antenna would give you around 500 metres of coverage to a clent radio. Note that laptops generally do not have very good antennas, if they also had 8dbi antennas, the distance would be much greater. Plus you will have some obstacle in the way that will attenuate the signal even more. If you try to increase the dbi of the antenna, people close to the antenna may have the signal go right over their head.

You may consider having 4 or 6 AP's with 60 or 90 degree sector antennas to cover a 360 degree area. These can be mounted on a tilt to better aim the signal downwards, then have repeaters in areas of poor coverage.

Or you can consider a mesh system which is becoming more popular with third generation equipment. They have 2 to 4 radios. 1 or more act as a backhaul back to the main AP and 1 or more act as AP for the clients.  Third generation mesh equipment can be fairly expensive though but there are some second generation made that have been successful in implemnting wireless mesh networks. The speed is not as great but it does work. I invite you to check out and read some of the implemetation success. These units are around 50.00 each with outdoor units around 100.00., especially if you are on a lower budget project. If not and you would like more info on equipment in the 1500.00 or higher range let me know.

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