Question : Problem: Anyone know why the keyboard on my laptop is typing the wrong characters.

The keyboard on my laptop has suddenly started typing incorrect characters.   For example, if I type in ipconfig it displays 5*c6nf5g  so an i comes out as a 5, a p comes out as an *, etc.
It happened in the middle of working on it.  Up tp then it had been fine.
I've turned it off and back on again, a few times, but it still has the problem.
Anyone know what it might be?
Thanks in advance.

Answer : Problem: Anyone know why the keyboard on my laptop is typing the wrong characters.

Sounds like your num lock is on.... have you checked that? ... also... I've heard from another asker with this same problem that they fixed their problem by shutting off their laptop, pulling the battery out, wait like 15 seconds, then put the battery back in plug it back in and turn it back on.
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