Question : Problem: Catalog Backup Exec B2D Folders

Have what I believe to be a good one.  Runing Backup Exec 11d version 6235.  Backing up multiple servers and jobs wun to disk and then another job runs that backs up those b2d folders to tape.  They are not duplicate jobs so the catalog informaiton does not move with the job.  Have been very successful in the past with this solution however, when ever I restore the the b2d files I am unable to catalog the files.  As it turns out the catalog has become corrupted and we are unable to catalog any of the restored b2d folders.
  Lookg for a solution that will help with rebuilding the catalogs for these b2d folders.  I have renamed the catalog folder with no joy.  I have created a new data folder and then inventory and catalog with a very consistent error
"The requested media is not listed in the media index and could not be mounted. To add the media's catalog information to the disk-based catalogs, run an inventory operation on the media and resubmit the Catalog operation.
Final error category: Backup Media Errors"

  I am hoping that there is a tool or utility that will help me with this issue.  Any idea's?


Answer : Problem: Catalog Backup Exec B2D Folders

Go to Tools>Options>Catalog


Inventory and catalog the .BKF files again

Even if the job fails you should be able to recover  the data that exists in entirity in the cataloged files

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