Question : Problem: VPN users are browsing through VPN and not directly out of there broadband link.

My Users use a Win2000 Server VPN through Aramiska Arc 2000 using the standard VPN clients on W2k and XP Pro laptops. the problem is when they arfe connected they browse though the VPN, TRACERT gives the route as Arc box and browsing and downloads are very slow. how can i configure the clients to browse through there on broadband connections? VPN client is already set not to use gateway.

Answer : Problem: VPN users are browsing through VPN and not directly out of there broadband link.

On the VPN client do a 'route print' from the command line, while the VPN is connected.

This will show the routing table, and allow you to see the path that traffic will take on it's journey out of your machine.

Basically what you will want to do is setup your users so that they're default gateway (the entry that should be at the top with something like ' mask') remains pointing to their ISP, and that just the 'intranet' network traffic is routed to your company.  Following instructions at ewtaylor's link above to the cable-guy article should help you set this up.

The main thing you want to do though is 'turn off the "make this connection the default gateway" checkbox on the VPN's network interface'.
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