Question : Problem: size of the volume in veritas

I need to know the size of the Volume in veritas.
vxprint shows the following output.
v  v01          -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   7239680  SELECT    -        fsgen
pl v01-01       v01          ENABLED  ACTIVE   7239936  CONCAT    -        RW
sd array00p2v1-01 v01-01     array00p2v1 0     7239936  0         fabric_19 ENA

v  v02          -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   5074944  SELECT    -        fsgen
pl v02-01       v02          ENABLED  ACTIVE   5074944  CONCAT    -        RW
sd array00p2v1-02 v02-01     array00p2v1 7239936 5074944 0        fabric_19 ENA

I want to know the size of each volume in Kilobytes.
But, is the size mentioned here is in bytes or Kbytes or blocks??
Can anyone assist? I was not able to get useful info from the admin guide.
Please advice at the earliest.


Answer : Problem: size of the volume in veritas

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