Question : Problem: BackupExec 10D Restore rate vs backup rate

We've been using Backup Exec for ... 8 years? Very small shoppe, only two backup servers. A year ago we bought a Snap 18000 which came with Bakbone Netvault, thus we've been using that for our backup to tape jobs and BE for the HD backups. We had to convert the Snap server to iSCSI last week and thus lost our Netvault server, so we went back to BE.

I find I'm having to cancel the nightly to tape when only part of the way into the Verify mode each night. There are a number of differences such as Netvault being on the server directly attached to that tape drive, different tape drives involved, Windows vs Guardian OS, etc.  

I was wondering tho: IF we presume the backups are done from one W2K Server and the restore is going to a different Server 2003 R2 should we expect the restore rate to be close to the backup rate? Or better put if from and to the same target server what speed should the restore provide compared to the original backup?

Trying to figure out where the speed problem lies. Backups to tape are giving us about 1.2 gig/min, however the restores from tape are a piddling 300 meg/min.  

Many Thanks


Answer : Problem: BackupExec 10D Restore rate vs backup rate

Sounds like a file-by-file write speed problem on your NAS box. BE doesn't have any image tricks that native software has. Test it by writing lots of files on the NAS from a powerful server accross your LAN.
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