Question : Problem: Input using one sound card and output using another?

Hi, ok, I didn't know where to put this question so sorry if its in the wrong place.

I have recently bought an M-Audio Firewire 410 which has a SPDIF (optical) input on the back.

What I would like to be able to do is plug in my xbox 360 and route the 5.1 surround sound out of my surround sound speakers which are plugged into my Creative Soundblaster Live PCI soundcard. I don't seem to be able to do this, any help?

I also plug my guitar into the M-audio box and it would be good if I could have the sound coming directly out of my speakers as I play.

Thank You!


Answer : Problem: Input using one sound card and output using another?

You can use the SPDIF output of the 410 to feed the Soundblaster Live you will need to Digital I/O module (which is an accessory for the Soundblaster to to that tho) That will allow you to feed the Surround output via the SPDIF into the I'O module tand then to the Soundblaster. The link for that is here:

Hope that Helps

It is Cheap.. something like $15 bucks
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