Question : Problem: Outlook Mobile Access Setup on Exchange Server


I am trying to setup on OMA on my Exchanger server 2003.
this is what i have done so far,
- enabled OMA in exchange using system manger.( enabled all unsupported devides as well)
- all the users were given permission to use OMA in AD
- In IIS virtual directory for OMA i have disables anonymous access, and checked on the basic authenticaiton.
- I would eventually like to publish it over internet but before I do that, I wanted to test it internally, so I typed this url: and I get prompted for login.
I enter login credentials and this is the error message I get.

Does any one know what it means. I don't have OWA enabled on our exchange server and I don't intend to enable it either.|
The device type you are using is not supported. Press Ok to continue.

Ok, and do not warn me again

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2)"

Answer : Problem: Outlook Mobile Access Setup on Exchange Server

That means that the unsupported devices option isn't enabled.
Now I know you have said that is enabled, but Exchange/IIS doesn't think so.
Try turning it off, then run IISRESET. Then enable it again and run IISRESET once more. Test again.

As for not having OWA enabled - you cannot disable OWA. OWA is part of Exchange and is enabled whether you like it or not.
If you have attempted to block access to it then you will be unable to use OMA (or Exchange ActiveSync) as they both actually get the data from the mailbox through the Exchange virtual directory.

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