Question : Problem: Internet Runs Slow only @ Home, and only on my MacBookPro

I have a 17" MacBook Pro, as does my wife, hers is from January of 2007, mine was purchased in August of 2007, so the most recent model.

Just started a few weeks ago, long after upgrade to Leopard.  Internet flys at work (through Ethernet Port), and drags worse than dial-up at home, no matter what browser, and no matter if I am using WiFi or Ethernet Port.  My wife's MacBook Pro and our iMac both work fine.

My ISP is comcast, and they gave us a NETGEAR wireless router.  It has to be a mixture of the router + my computer right?  But both work fine for others, or in other environments.

Answer : Problem: Internet Runs Slow only @ Home, and only on my MacBookPro

Have you checked your System Preference with regards to the following:

Internet Sharing - should be off
Network: DHCP with NO DNS entries
Firewall: Try disabling and testing

Also have you created a secondary profile for home, or are you using automatic?
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