Question : Problem: Different Core Temperatures in the same CPU Chip

I am running Fedora 9, x86_64 with an Amd Athlon X2 6000+

No load (idle)
Core0 averages 32C
Core1 averages 44C

Heavy load
Core0 averages 34C
Core1 averages 47C

I use a water cooling system, and I can't figure out why the core temperatures would be different.
The only thing I can come up with, is that (maybe) Core1 is on the exit side of the water block, so it gets the warmer water that just passed over the Core0 side, and Core0 gets the just-cooled water off the radiator.

Is this something I should be worried about? I really don't like my CPU getting above 45C or so.

Answer : Problem: Different Core Temperatures in the same CPU Chip

This is normal. Each core does not do the same amount of work even in programs that support dual cores. The amount of heat on each core is usually related to how much work it is doing. Make sure your waterblock is mounted well with just enough thermal paste and you should be good to go'

I hope this helps. Good luck.
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