Question : Problem: Drivers for XP for laptop Presario 6620US

This probably futile, BUT...
I have a laptop Presario 6620US.  I went to XP from Vista.  I found some drivers thru HP Live chat.  After installing, I now have conflicts with the CoProcessor, Ethernet controller, SM Bus Controller, and Video controller(Video is powered by the integrated NVidia GeForce Go 7150 graphics/video card).  I tried to install various video drivers and .inf files that HP told me to and it either crashes the computer or doesn't work at all.  I had this problem once with Toshiba and was never able to finsh the drivers for XP and had to go back to Vista.

Answer : Problem: Drivers for XP for laptop Presario 6620US

try this :
Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-System Information.
Click on "components" and highlight "problem devices". Any hardware device with a driver problem will be listed here. Make a note of the first oline of the entry. It will contain a Vendor number and a Device number (VEN. . . . DEV. . . .) both four digits long.
Look up those numbers here:

This will tell you the manufacturer and the chip number.  Check the manufacturer's website first
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