Question : Problem: Blackberry Professional ("BES") won't push new Exchange emails to Blackberry

We have recently installed Blackberry Professional Express 4.1.4 (the free version of Blackberry Enterprise Server - BES) onto a Small Business Server with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.  It installed without any problems and we added a user (me!), linked up the mailbox and activated the new Blackberry device.  After a short wait, the Blackberry server then synchronised existing mail in the Exchange mailbox onto the Blackberry.

That all seemed to work fine.  However, no new emails are sent out of the Blackberry server to the Blackberry device.

Last week, we also installed Blackberry server onto a client's Small Business Server (Exchange 2003) on their completely separate network (nothing to do with our network at all), activated two of their Blackberry devices and have come up against exactly the same problem.

On the 'Connection service' tab in Blackberry Manager on the server, we switched on push email.  Restarted the services too.  On the 'Home' tab, the "SRP Status" regularly flicks between 'Connected' and 'Disconnected' - don't really understand why.

The included utility, BBSRPTest.exe (or something like that) to test the SRP connection does report that it connects successfully to the Blackberry service network.

Answer : Problem: Blackberry Professional ("BES") won't push new Exchange emails to Blackberry

Usually this problem is caused by your cel service provider. Verify you have the Blackberry Enterprise plan and not the Blackberry Internet plan. You will have to change plans and then have them send you new service books. Best bet is to delete all the old service books and have them send you the new ones.

Also verify you have tcp port 3101 and 3500 open on your firewall

Give those a try and post back. thanks
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