Question : Problem: Upgraded BES to sp5 - Now "attachment server busy" for all attachments

I have upgraded my BES 4.1 to sp5 and since then all my users receive "attachment server busy" when trying to open attachments. Email and calendar synch is fine.

I have restarted the server and services numerous times with no change. When I got to the attachment server properties all the settings match between the connector and the attachment server. If I test an attachment from there it works fine.

The error seems to be with the users/devices rather then the server but I can't confirm that. I resent ID policies and service books, I had the users restart, I had them remove the battery while the device was on and no change.

In the event viewer I had a number of errors but they were during and right after the install and all seem to have gone away. For the first few days of this issue there were no errors in the event viewer related to the attachment server but today I got this error which I can not find anything about on google.

Event ID 1000
Source Application Error

Faulting application BBAttachServer.exe, version, faulting module BBAttachServer.exe, version, fault address 0x0001133c

When I checked the services the attachment server was still running after this error.

I checked the BES logs but there is no log file for the attachment server. It should be "ASRV" in the logs but its not there. Not sure if that is a symptom of what's wrong or if I need to turn logging on for it and just don't know how.

Answer : Problem: Upgraded BES to sp5 - Now "attachment server busy" for all attachments

You can reinstall SP5.
for the rights, normally this should be good.  I was thinking of send-as rights, but as your users can receive and send mail, this won't be the case.
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