Question : Problem: Network card route


I have one computer (A) with 2 NIC's

I have another computer (B) with 1 NIC

CompA can see the 1.X network and 2.X fine
CompB can see CompA which is fine also

Is there a way for CompC on the 1.X range to see the 2.X network.
CompC only has one network card.

Is there a way to add a route on the NIC or something.  I know i can install another NIC for the 2.X range.  But i am wondering if there is a way for one network card to ping or communicate with both 1.X and 2.X range thru the network.  at the same time.  


Answer : Problem: Network card route

There are 3 issues here:

1. Computer A needs to be capable of routing packets from one NIC to another. (this is assuming there is no other way to get from 1x to 2x)

2. Computer C needs to know which way to go to find the 2x network. Assuming the default gateway on computer C is NOT computer A, then you will need to give it the route.

3. The computers on the 2x network need to know how to get to the 1x network, so they can respond to computer C.


step 1

I'm assuming computer A is a Windows XP Pro machine. You need to enable IP Routing so that computer a will forward packet between NIC's. If it's no XP pro then google IP Routing for that OS and I'm sure you'll find a how-to.

For XP Pro:

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

To enable TCP/IP forwarding, follow these steps: 1. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
2. In Registry Editor, locate the following registry key:
3. Set the following registry value:
Value Name: IPEnableRouter
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 1
A value of 1 enables TCP/IP forwarding for all network connections that are installed and used by this computer.  
4. Quit Registry Editor.

Step 2, again assuming it's windows:

From a command prompt on computer c:

route add -p mask

Step 3:
You get the idea. Let know if you need help for computer B or other computers on it's network.

If computer A is the Default Gateway for all computers then you don't need all the static routes added, just make sure A is capapble of forwarding packets.

Hope that helps.
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