Question : Problem: MS Access 2003 published on Citrix 4.5 has print preview issue

Im currently testing Citrix 4.5 on an IBM Blade (dual xeon 3.6, 4GB ram) running windows 2003 server w/ sp1.  I have installed MS Office 2003 professional using default options and published it in citrix. After launching MS Access 2003 through Citrix 4.5 and opening certain access files the print preview shows text which displays in non-standard characters in place of the actual data. However when I launch Access via terminal services or the console the print preview shows up just fine. Citrix is definately the culprit but no idea what might cause this other then incompatibility. I currently have a citrix 4.0 production farm with 15 servers and do not have this issue with Access.

Much thanks for any help someone can offer on this.

Answer : Problem: MS Access 2003 published on Citrix 4.5 has print preview issue

I would guess it is giving you the universal print driver and that your preview form does not like it.  Terminal server does not use this driver.  Try to get the native driver running in your default printer on the server.  Or you could create a bogus LPT printer with a basic driver such as the LaserJet 4 and set that as your default.  
I have seen driver issues cause Access print preview to get wacky.  
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