Question : Problem: Cable Pinout for the E&M Connection Between Cisco 3800 and Samsung 7400


I need to bring up a E&M trunk between  a Cisco 3825 router and a Samsung 7400 PBX. The module at the cisco side is NM-HDV2-1T1/E1. I tried Straight Cable, Cross Cable and RollOver Cable. But the devices are not detecting each other with any of these cables. (On the Cisco side, the controller T1 is always down.)
The config at the Cisco side is

[controller T1 1/0
 framing esf
 linecode b8zs
 cablelength short 133
 ds0-group 1 timeslots 1-10 type e&m-immediate-start]

Anyone knows the pinout for this cable? Any pointers will be appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Cable Pinout for the E&M Connection Between Cisco 3800 and Samsung 7400

You need a T-1 crossover.


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