Question : Problem: Mouse problems on Acer laptop running xp sp3, mouse jumping!!

Hi guys

Before I completely format my wifes laptop can anyone tell me why all of a sudden the mouse keeps jumping around the screen. Basically its playing catch up all the time. I move my finger across the touchpad and a few seconds later the mouse moves. Its incredibly hard to do anything on the machine at all.

Any clues before i wipe it???

Thank you for any help you can give...Im running xp sp3 and nortons 360

Answer : Problem: Mouse problems on Acer laptop running xp sp3, mouse jumping!!

ahve you tried attacing an external mouse? see if it jsumps then?

try reinstall the can download it from acer's website as far as im aware...

long shot but try load system in safe mode (press F8 repeatedly as soon as computer is switched on) this way you can find if its the mouse pad, system or just a program thats stopping it working properly like a bug or something..

good luck
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