Question : Problem: Advice on Migrating Windows Server 2000 Printers to Server 2003

I'll fill you in on the details.
We currently have an older server running Windows Server 2000.  
This machine is sharing out 6 printers to the clients in that branch.
This server has no purpose other than to act as a print server.
We now need to take this server and move it to another branch, so we would like to migrate these printers over to a slightly newer server running Windows Server 2003.
I am not sure the easiest, safest way to make this happen.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

Answer : Problem: Advice on Migrating Windows Server 2000 Printers to Server 2003

Yeah so you don't want kernel mode print drivers. In fact you probably want none of the drivers the tool migrated.

My suggestion given how few printers we're talking is that you download the latest driver for each model from the manufacturer's site. Update all the drivers and then remove the old ones. To do this part right click in the Printers shell folder and goto Server Properties.

Brian Desmond
Active Directory MVP
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