Question : Problem: Sysprep vs Config File - Domain join not working with Config File

Hi all,

I had my last question answered with great outcome and we now have an working image
that joins the domain when re-imaging.

There are still some settings issues we are looking into like the dual screen not coming back
correctly after the image is put on.

So the easy solution would be to use Ghostwalker and a Configuration file straight from the
Ghost Console.

However, when doing that it fails to join the domain. Incorrect username / password and I'm
100% sure the username / password is correct (it wont let you add the domain to the Supported
Domains list otherwise)

Has anyone come across this before? It now joins the domain if suing Sysprep (the issue here was
the desktop not being able to see the server, I added the server details in the HOSTS file before taking the image and then it worked fine)

Is there anyway to clear the Supported Domains list and start over again? When I try to add it again it just says its already on there.


Answer : Problem: Sysprep vs Config File - Domain join not working with Config File

Hi dantegroup
      First of all, if you use sysprep for sealing image, you dont have to use Ghostwalker since you can use the option "Change SSID" during sysprep.
"However, when doing that it fails to join the domain. Incorrect username / password and I'm
100% sure the username / password is correct (it wont let you add the domain to the Supported
Domains list otherwise)"
      I dont know if you get this either at WinPE screen or after complete unseal, but this may be indicating that you missed to specify the username&password in sysprep file, which has the "domain-wide rights to join clients to domain"!

Also please have a look at the following similar issue I previously answered

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