Question : Problem: Local and Offsite Backup Solution

I need advice.  I have three Dell 2950 (fairly beefy) each one is a virtual host and has 28 Guests each - and growing!  In the event of a physical disaster (fire, theft, etc.), all I really need is one of the guests (from each host) to rebuild the enviornment.  That is the beauty of development servers, all the real stuff is kept on the source code server.

Besides all that, I also have standard business class servers (physical): 2 x Exchange 2003, 25 x SQL Servers, and 2 x FTP Servers.  

Then I have a fourth Virutal Server that has: DHCP Server, Internet Browsing Box (only way my users have internet access is via this box), DEMO System (our application), Modem Servers, and Customer Test Servers.

Now, I have a "SuperDLT Compaq" tape drive (BackupEXEC 12), which has been working for 4 years now with no problems - until now, it fails almost everyday...  That means, I am not sleeping well at night.  The tape backs up all our source code, documentation, and email.  BUT, it does not do any virtual server backups.  I've been doing the virutal server backups manually.  Because I only need one guest from each server, I manually have a batch file that turns off the virutal machine, copies the raw file to my chessy 500GB USB drive.  

I need a ROBUST backup solution.  I want to consolidate all backups into one system locally and offsite.  I want to be able to have images stored on a local server, and then transfered somewhere offsite (I will decide on the location).  But I want to be able to have my staff go to this remote location, plug in their laptops, and get back to programming.

Now, I was thinking of using SonicWALL CDP, but it really is flaky.  I didn't like it very much.  I am leaning towards Symantec CDP.  A storage server onsite site, and another storage server at the remote location? Two beefy server with a lot of hard drives?  Dell MD3000? I have two Dell MD3000 here for all the virtual guests - about 8TB in total, but I am only using about 2TB at the present time.  But remember, I only need 1 guest per host.  1 guest is about 30GB total = 90GB of space.  Not including the guests from the 4th virutal host.  

I need hardware and software...  My budget is in the 30k range.  

Answer : Problem: Local and Offsite Backup Solution

Used it before and works nice, but I prefer the Veritas Data Centre software.
You know that your backup is the most important thing of any business and suggest that you recommend that they have to increase your budget as I had the same problem once, and due the that budget our company lost one day's work and that is compaired to R16 Mil.

Do you have enought disk space to make backups to disk and then to tape as this is the best way to recover as your recover time is cut by 60%+.

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