Question : Problem: Linksys Quick VPN DNS problems
I have set up SBS2003 behind a Linksys WRV200. I have set up a Quick VPN client on a remote computer. The remote computer can connect to the WRV200, can ping the server and other local resources by IP address, but cannot resolve any names. I have tried setting static DNS info for the VPN, and it does not seem to work. The remote client (XP) always pulls the DNS from whatever their local gateway is.
Answer : Problem: Linksys Quick VPN DNS problems
DNS and QuickVPN client do not always work as you cannot manually configure it. In order to work it needs the VPN router site's local DNS server's IP. Make sure that is the IP configured on the router, not the ISP's. You cannot ping a device at the remote site using the NetBIOS name but can you, using the FQDN such as server1.mydomain.local ? If so you can not fix the problem by modifying the client so you will likely have to add the domain, and even better remote PCs and servers to an Lmhosts file. See below:
Setting up an LMHosts file. There are a few oddities with the file, have a look at the following:
-Lmhosts file is useful for NetBIOS name resolution where other solutions are not available. -LMHosts is located in the Windows directory under c:\Windows (or WINNT)\System32\Drivers\Etc\LMHosts.sam , instructions are included within the file. Any line starting with # is just a comment and is ignored. Open the file with Notepad and add entries for your computers as below; CompName #PRE -Hit enter when each line is complete (important), then save the file without a file extension. To be sure there is no extension ,when saving enclose in quotations like "LMHosts". -PRE has to be capitalized, however you do not need it, though should give you faster resolution where it is "pre-loaded" -use a Tab between entries in a line rather than spaces (recommended but not necessary) -if adding the domain and or domain controller the # of spaces used is even critical. See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q180094/
see also: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/reskit/cnet/cnfd_lmh_qxqq.mspx?mfr=true ps- To check your LMHosts file entries are accepted at a command prompt enter nbtstat -R to purge and reload the local name cache then enter nbtstat -c to display the current name cache which should include your LMHosts file entries. Note; the nbtstat "switches" R & c are case sensitive. The names will only show up if you used the 'PRE' option, or if not, if you have used the name with a ping or similar command enabling them to be cached.