Question : Problem: SBS2003 alternate VPN PPTP

I have an SBS 2003 (standard) server which I was accessing using VPN PPTP(port 1723).  A telecoms company have used the port on the router to allow site to site calls using VPN PPTP. Any idea how I can configure the SBS2003 to either use a different port or an alternative way to VPN (ie 3rd party program).

Any help would be appreciated. 500 points

Answer : Problem: SBS2003 alternate VPN PPTP

Unlike other services such as remote desktop, you cannot change the port used for PPTP.

>>"We've tried this but do not have fixed IP addresses on the remote sites. "
You tried Hamachi, or IPSec? Hamachi does not require static IP's:

The better alternative would be to install a VPN router. My preference would be a Cisco ASA5505, but a less expensive option would be a Netgear FVS318 ( < $150 US). This would allow you to create site to site tunnels or client to site tunnels using IPSec (not port 1723). This option allows for better security, and slightly better performance. In conjunction with a free Dynamic Domain Service such as DynDNS or no-ip you do not need static IP's.
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