Question : Problem: How Do I Get Out of Safe Mode?

That's it: How do I get out of Safe Mode? When I booted up this morning, my computer was in Safe Mode. I tried Windows Help, my Windows Startup Back up disk, just about everything but disabling all those devices to see if one of them was damaged. I really need you guys, now! I can't print, can't do much of anything. Can't play card games!Is this a Windows problem or BIOS (which I know nothing about!).Please???

Answer : Problem: How Do I Get Out of Safe Mode?

First thing I would do is run scandisk.  This utility will check your physical hard disk and make sure there are no errors on it.  If there are and it ask you what you want to do..tell it to fix them.  Then try rebooting your computer.  Make sure you turn the power off completely.  If this time it does not go into safe mode it will take some pretty in depth analysis to figure out what exactly is causing your problem.  Post another question or e-mail me at [email protected]
and update your status with me.
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